ITONICS Software glossary

Add Ons

An add-on represents an independent component of the ITONICS software that exists individually but is built with the intention to support and facilitate the work with the main modules of the software. 

Add-Ons connect the ITONICS software with different devices and provide effective channels for pushing (web-) content to the software. The ITONICS Inspirator App and Web Clipper are examples of these supplementary add-ons. 

Related Info:

Install and setup Inspirator app

Install and setup the Web Clipper

Application Owner

Application owners on the ITONICS software are able to perform certain administrative actions such as changing permissions, configurations, and delete elements of other users.

Related Info:

Who do I contact to change my user role and permissions?

Average rating

The average rating is calculated based on all submitted ratings and is used to position an element (e.g. trend, technology, start-up, idea) on the radar or the matrix.

Related Info:

How can I display the most important data of an element from the Radar?

Bulk Actions

You are able to perform different bulk actions on ITONICS Elements. Bulk actions allow you to copy, delete, and open a number of different Elements simultaneously, for example. 

Related Info:

Select elements and perform bulk actions

Campaign Blueprint

Campaign Blueprints act as a framework to predefine the Campaign module workflow, permission scheme, as well as the field configuration for the submission profiles. These blueprints are used as the foundations from which you can further configure your Campaigns. 

Related Info: 

Campaign blueprints

Campaigns Module

The ITONICS Campaigns module allows your campaign managers to run different campaigns simultaneously following different workflows, including dedicated participants focusing on different topics and scopes.

Related Info:

Campaign blueprints

Campaign types

Setting up a new campaign


Challenges are used for ideation or idea management. Challenges are initiated to find solutions for given problems or business challenges. You can use ITONICS Campaigns to run your idea challenges.

Related Info:

Campaign blueprints

Cluster View

The Cluster View creates semantic clusters and categories by scanning the title and abstract of each document within the search field. The Cluster View visualizes those semantic clusters and indicates how many and which documents are categorized into each cluster.

Related Info:

Explore your search field

Collaborative Rating

Every element can be rated by multiple experts and stakeholders in order to reduce bias in decision making, count on expert opinions, and leverage crowd intelligence.

Related Info:

Rating Configuration

How to define your rating criteria?


In the ITONICS software, you can comment on an Element by selecting the Element you want to comment on. Commenting offers features such as mentioning other users and liking comments.

Related Info:

Add comments to an Element


A configuration is a functional setup and the arrangement of features of the ITONICS software according to the client's needs and within the software's configurable boundaries that are defined by the offered features. A configuration deviates from the blueprint ITONICS software and usually contains a number of setting options to offer an alternative solution that can be achieved without touching the code of the software.

Related Info:

Landing page configuration

Configure roles & permissions


Connections are created and maintained on the Roadmap to link different Elements and Milestones to each other. You can maintain Connections between Element to Element, Element to Milestone, Milestone to Element, and Milestone to Milestone. All Connections are displayed on the Roadmap as well as on each Element’s Roadmap tab. 

Related Info:

How to add elements to the Roadmap

Working with ITONICS Roadmap

Roadmap Connections

Custom Terms & Conditions

The Application Owner is able to add custom terms and conditions that have to be accepted before any user is allowed to access the system. ITONICS provides templates for the ITONICS Cookies Policy, ITONICS Privacy Policy, and ITONICS Third-Party Services Policy.

Related Info:

Add and edit Terms & Conditions

Detail Page

The Detail Page of an Element displays the content and relations of an Element, such as Description, Sources & links, Rating, Tags, and Attachments.

Related Info:

How to navigate Element detail pages

Distance Dimension

The Application Owner can configure the distance dimension on the Radar to define the position of the Elements on the Radar. The closer an Element is to the center of the Radar, the more attention this Element needs.

Related Info:

What can I see on the Radar?


Elements refer to content containers that hold any specific type of content. The content could be text, images, ratings, or links. A set of Elements with the same characteristics but with different content is called Entity.

Related Info:

Element preview

Create a new element

Element Creation

In the Explorer overview users can create new Elements. There are multiple options available to create Element types which can be edited any time you want.

Related Info:

Create a new element

Where can I find elements that I created?

Element Search

This refers to the way in which users can search for Elements. You are able to search through Elements' titles, summaries, descriptions, and further reading links. The ITONICS Explorer Element Search has two different modes: Global search and Explorer search. Explorer search offers advanced search possibilities. 

Related Info:

Use the Search input field


An Enrichment is an addition to an existing Element that provides users with supplementary information, or updates the information so that it remains relevant and useful. 

Related Info:

Workflow dependencies


An Entity is a category of Elements. Elements that fall into a certain Entity will have the same characteristics and distinct attributes. You can define an Entity’s structure, layout and ratings to reflect your organization's language, processes and stakeholders. 

Examples of Entities are Trends and Technologies where each Entity contains many respective Elements. 

Related Info:

Entity configuration

What are the Foresight entities at ITONICS?

Entity Configuration

Refers to the functionality that allows users to define their own data types for an Element or change predefined ones in a flexible way. 

Related Info:

Entity field types


The ITONICS Explorer helps you identify potential threats and opportunities on time by visualizing trends, technologies, companies, or other innovation objects that you focus on, their ratings, and relation on a clear, comprehensive overview.

Related Info:

What is the ITONICS Explorer?

Field Type

Refers to the type of a Field in Entities e.g., list field, file field and rich text fields. Field types can be configured to reflect your organizations’ types of data or processes. 

Related Info:

Entity Field Types


The Filter tab provides an easy way of filtering down your search field.

Related Info:

Apply filters to narrow down content


The Grid View displays elements as a card in the ITONICS Explorer. The cards hold information about the element (image, entity, title, abstract, likes and created date). If you click on the element title or description it will open the elements detailpage. While hovering over the card, certain element actions will be displayed (e.g. like/follow the element, edit, delete, open).

Group Field Configuration

The Group Field Configuration allows you to group fields that belong logically or topically together. That way you can organize and structure your Detail pages.

Related Info:

Group Field Configuration

[VIDEO] Group Field Configuration

Inspirator App

An ITONICS Mobile App that helps you scout on the go. You can use the app at exhibitions, conferences, meetings, or wherever you are to capture spontaneous ideas or inspiring observations.

Related Info:

Install and setup Inspirator app


​​Layers can be created on Roadmaps and represent sets of activities thematically. Layers that are dependent on each other can be split into Sublayers. You can create multiple Layers on a Roadmap and multiple actions can be performed on Layers.

Related Info:

How to create the Roadmap


The Maillog is an overview of all outgoing emails that have been sent by the ITONICS platform. This is an administrative function. 

Related Info:



A Milestone is an event with a fixed date that indicates certain events in a project’s timeline, for example, a release, checkpoint, or client meeting.  Milestones can also be enhanced with additional information to track and document key stakeholders, important documents, or key deliverables, and decision-makers.

Related Info:

Working with ITONICS Roadmap


A Module is a functional combination of one or more features representing a major part of the ITONICS software. A Module per se is self-contained, supporting a dedicated business operation or process and, additionally, can be linked and combined with other such units of the same definition (Modules) to form a larger system.

Related Info:

Innovation Management Modules

Network Graph

The Network Graph visualizes interconnections between Elements in an intuitive way. The network Graph presents a visual representation of all Element relations in the ITONICS software. With this, you can identify hotspots, interdependencies, and outliers that are related, or not related, to Elements. 

Related Info:

What is the ITONICS Network Graph?

Portfolio Module

ITONICS Portfolio Module helps you identify potential gaps and opportunities for your business by aligning its strategy with company-wide innovation activities.

Related Info:

What is ITONICS Portfolio?

How to adjust the Portfolio view


The preview contains the main information about an Element. Users can also perform certain actions from the Preview.

Related Info:

Element preview

Radar Module

The ITONICS Radar graphically represents your corporate environment and shows blind spots, fields of action, and strategic options. It enables you to build up an overview of how different trends, technologies, or startups can impact your organizations’ strategy. The Radar helps you to visualize, for example, projects, ideas, or risks in a manner that visually analyses and demonstrates multiple dimensions at the same time. 

Related Info:

What is ITONICS Radar

How to set up a Radar

Radar Dimensions

Radar characteristics consist of segmentation and distance scaling with Elements that can take different values for color, halo size, and donut shape.

Related Info:

Manage Radar segments


A Rating is a concrete assessment of an Element (e.g. trend, technology, start-up, idea) by an expert or key stakeholder. This Rating follows the defined Rating criteria of that Element and is calculated to an average rating considering everyone’s Ratings.

Related Info:

Rate an element

Rating context

Each user profile can have one or more contexts that define the perspectives from which this user is rating the respective Element. Rating contexts can be the business unit, department, or region, for example. 

Related Info:

Context Rating

Rating criteria

A Rating criterion is defined by its name (e.g strategic relevance, internal know-how, disruptive potential) as well as by its dimensions (e.g. none, low, medium, high). You can define multiple Rating criteria for the same Entity type in order to assess different internal and external perspectives to your trends, technologies, start-ups, ideas, etc.

Related Info:

How to define your rating criteria?


References enable users to upload files to any Element. It can be found at the bottom of an Element, or from the header of an opened Element. In the full Element detail view, the references can be expanded to see a more detailed list of files.

Related Info:



Creating Relations helps to organize the information in the system and provides an overview of dependencies among the Elements. Relations can be used to establish logical links between various Elements in your system and users can relate Elements in Card view, List view, and Network Graph view. Relations can be used to connect Elements of the same Entity as well as Elements of different Entities.

Related Info:

Relate Elements

How can I see relations between elements?

Roadmap Module

The ITONICS Roadmap module is used to plan and steer future product developments and technologies with clarity and transparency. It provides an easy glance at the current state of innovation activities for strategic planning. Roadmaps can be created for all strategic innovation activities including markets, products, services, trends, technologies, and resources, to name just a few. 

Related Info:

How to create the Roadmap

Roles & Permissions

A role is the collection of all relevant permissions that a user was assigned by an Organization’s Application Owner. Roles and permissions equip users to perform specific actions on the ITONICS software.                                              

Each permission provides access rights to a single action that can be performed and controls what users are allowed to do.

Related Info:

Permissions & Roles Configuration

Who do I contact to change my user role and permissions?

Scout Module

The ITONICS Scout enables your teams to scan, scout, and monitor your corporate environment. Powered by NLP technology, our automated text mining engines act as virtual scouting bots that crawl over large numbers of verified sources.  

Related Info:

What is ITONICS Scout?


A Radar view can be divided into different Segments. Trends typically follow the STEEP segmentation, whereas projects can be segmented into project categories. You can also apply hierarchical segmentation to further drill down within a high-level segment.

Related Info:

Manage Radar segments


Signals support the rest of ITONICS software with news, patents, publications, and other smaller pieces of data in order to create rich charts and analytics. 

The Signals feed accesses data from our continuously growing data lake which is compiled by our Signals engine. This comprises millions of documents, including news, patents and RSS feeds. The feed is generated using the textual information (title, summary, description) of the Element itself. Every Element in the Explorer contains the Signals Feed.

Related Info:

Working with ITONICS Signals

What can I see in the Feed?

Support Module

The Support Module lets users create and manage Feedback that can be sent to ITONICS for Product Enhancements or Bug Fixes.

Table View

The Table View displays elements in a table in the ITONICS Explorer. The table consists of the multiple columns (title, type, created date, creator and actions)

Related Info:

Choose the layout and sort elements in Explorer

Tag Cloud

In the Tag Cloud, you can find all tags that have been used in the ITONICS software. The Tag Cloud allows you to get an overview of the Tags that you have assigned to Elements, and allows you to reduces and filter your Elements to help you organize and analyze your content. 

Related Info:

Explore tagged elements in the Tag Cloud


Tags are keywords or terms assigned to an Element that help users categorize and search for particular content matching your search criteria.

Related Info:

Manage tags

Add tags to an Element

Task Management

Users can use Task Management as a stand-alone configuration to track certain tasks. Most of the time, Task Management is combined with the workflow engine to assign individual tasks to the specified Workflow steps.

Related Info:

Managing tasks


The Timeline lists all activities, i.e. actions performed on a particular Element, including create, edit, comment, like etc, that have been executed on the system. 

Related Info:

What do the icons in the activity log stand for?

Where can I see recent activities on the platform?

User Management

User Management provides users with all the information regarding their Organization including users in the Organization, user roles and permissions, workspaces, and more. 

Related Info:

Managing tasks


There are a number of different visualizations available in the ITONICS software that allow you to have a specific view relating to your tags and filters. Visualizations can be found under Radar, Portfolio, Roadmap, and Network Graph. 

Related Info:

Navigate through your Radar

Web Clipper

The Web Clipper is an extension to other modules of ITONICS Enterprise and enables you to discover and clip inspirations from the web and add them directly to your ITONICS system. 

Related Info:

Install and setup the Web Clipper

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