Adding and editing roles

What is it? 

Users can only access the ITONICS application if they have a global user role assigned. The global roles define the fundamental CRUD-permission operations (create, read, update, delete) per role and with respect to the entities defined. 

The ITONICS system comes with some standard global roles which you can easily change to match your context. You can also create your own roles and assign respective permissions accordingly. 

The ITONICS permission concept includes an additive permission concept, which means that the respective permissions of each role complement each other. That means that users can have multiple roles assigned and the permissions granted complement each other. 

For instance, if you have one role assigned that allows you to create elements but not to rate them and a second role assigned that allows you to rate elements but not create them, you will in consequence get the permission to rate and create content elements as per the additive permission concept. 

Besides the global permission scheme that relates to all content of the same entity, the ITONICS system also offers options for local permissions, e.g., permissions that can be granted just to specific users or content elements. 

Global role and permission controls

> System- and entity-level (must)

Local permission controls

> Content element- and user-specific (optional)

How does it work?

To add new, adjust existing, or delete obsolete user roles, go to the Settings Wheel > Entity Configuration > Entity Configuration and click the Role Configuration tab. Please note that the Application Owner role can not be deleted or edited.

Please note that changes in the Role Configuration have implications for your whole system. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for any questions or concerns.


After you have added a new role, you will find a new column in the global system permission configuration and in the permission configuration for each entity. Now, you can define the CRUD-operations (create, read, update, delete) for each role accordingly. 

To assign roles to users, you can either upgrade the roles of existing users via the user management or you can assign the role(s) once inviting new users

After you have successfully configured the user roles, you can now assign permissions to the different roles in the global permission and entity-specific permission configuration.

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