What is it?
Field types define how content, i.e., entities, is/are further classified and attributed. Field types allow structuring, comparing, visualizing, and filtering content. For different purposes, different field types can be used.
The list of available field types is described below.
How does it work?
While configuring your entity fields, you need to select a specific field type according to your preferences and then input specific data. Here is an overview of each field type.
For more information, take a look at the linked sections.
Open-ended field types | Pre-defined field types |
1. Single Line Input Field
A single text box that accepts any type of text up to 255 characters. This is normally used for entering titles. You can also add a Field Validator that ensures that inputs to fields are entered in the correct format. You can choose between Email, URL, and Number validation.
If the Field Validator is set to Number, you can use the Single Line Input Field for calculations, which allows for dynamic calculations of existing numeric inputs. For that, you need to check the option “Is Calculated Field?”. In the Formula field you can then perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with existing fields using the operators +, -, *, /.
To perform calculations you have to use the machine names from the existing numeric input fields. You can find the machine name inside the entity specific Field Configuration.
For example, one could create a field to calculate the difference of the planned and current budget. The calculator operation for the example in the image below would then have to be as follows:
If included in the View Configuration of a respective entity type, and if the used fields have values assigned to them, the calculated field will automatically be shown on the detail page of an element.
2. Simple Text Field
The Simple Text Field allows users to add textual content to the field. It is displayed as text on the elements detail page.
There is one field renderer widget available for this field type:
- Multi Line Input Field
The Simple Text Field is represented as a simple text editor when creating a new element.
3. Rich Text Field
A Rich Text Field offers the possibility to input text formatting options (e.g. fonts, lists, paragraphs, headlines, quotes, emojis, hyperlinks) in a rich text editor. Hyperlinks will be scrapped by default. If you would like to change the linked text, you can do so using the edit link feature in the rich text editor.
Embed external sources in a rich text field
Additionally, it is possible to enter HTML code, as well as embed videos from streaming platforms (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) via an iFrame.
Note: Due to security reasons, it is necessary to whitelist the external source before embedding it. Please contact your Customer Innovation Success or your Account Manager and forward a list of domains that you want to embed.
Please note: It is not recommended to use Rich Text Fields on the right sidebar. RTFs can have any contents with images, table format etc that can be added or imported by the users. This may cause display errors on the detail page/side view and pdf export.
4. List Field
4.1. Radio Button
The Radio Button allows the user to choose one option of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.
4.2. Checkbox
The Checkbox allows the user to choose an option of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.
Please note: the checkbox cannot be used for the filter options.
4.3. Dropdown
The Dropdown allows the user to choose an option from a list of options.
4.3.1 Dropdown Types
You can choose between two different Dropdown types:
- Dropdown: displays list of available options.
- Searchable Dropdown: searchable list of available options.
If you use one of the visualization options, such as Radar or Matrix, the options of their dropdown fields can be activated as criteria for the visualization. To do this, you must check the "Rating Criteria?" box in the field configuration of the corresponding dropdown list field.
4.3.2 Default values for dropdown fields and radio buttons
There is also the possibility to set default values for individual dropdown fields through clicking the checkbox “Click to set as default option”, next to the according option (1).
If you like to set the default value automatically click the then-appearing checkbox "Display default value“ (2) and the default value will be saved and displayed on the element detail page even though the field is not displayed on the create form.
If you want to apply the default value for existing elements that have not yet been assigned a value for the respective field, you can click the then appearing check box "Update existing elements" (3).
Note 1: The default value activated by ticking “Click this checkbox if you want to set the default option.” will only apply to elements that are created after ticking the box to auto-fill. All other already existing elements will not get the assignment and need to be updated manually.
Note 2: If no option of a radio button element is checked, then this can be identified by the Explorer Filter Option “Not Filled”, even as there is nothing to fill in but just to select.
4.3.3 Change the order of dropdown field options
If you want to change the order of values of an already existing dropdown field, go to the Settings Wheel > Entity Configuration > Field Configuration > Field Options. Here you will find an overview of all dropdown fields you have created.
To change the order of the values of a dropdown field, you have to select one from the list and click on it. Now you can see an overview of all characteristics of the field, which can now be changed via drag and drop using the cross arrow symbol (1).
After each change, a message box appears with a link embedded to reindex Solr (2).
After clicking the link, a loading bar appears to show the progress followed by a confirmation of the successful reindexing in the original menu window.
4.4. Pearl Chain
The Pearl Chain visualizes the current state/phase of an element. It can be displayed
- as a pearl chain,
- or a Pearl Chain with Check Mark.
The Pearl Chain is mostly used to visualize the current state of an element, for example, the maturity state of a technology or the progression of an idea. The pearl chain is also needed when working with the workflow configuration as the pearl chain stages define the placement of different action buttons per stage.
Tip: For list fields, you can define colors via the respective field color option. These colors can then be used on custom dashboard visualizations, for example. For dropdown fields, searchable dropdown fields, radio buttons, and individual checkboxes, the color is also displayed on the details page.
Note: be aware that clicking on a list field value on the element detail page will automatically redirect you to the Explorer page with the underlying field value selected as a filter option.
5. Hierarchical Fields and Segment Fields
Besides creating independent list fields, it is also possible to create hierarchical fields. Due to ITONICS history, such fields are called segment fields and need to be accessed via "Segment Fields" in the main navigation bar of the Entity Configuration.
After clicking "Add Segment Field", you can define up to five hierarchies. You can also define to which entities the segment field should be applied.
After the general definition, you need to define the values for the different hierarchies. To do so, you need to navigate to Settings Wheel > Entity Configuration > Segment and select the hierarchy that you just have created from "Add Segment Field".
While adding a lower hierarchical level value, you can define to which higher-level value the lower level belongs to.
After finishing the configuration, users will be able to either only indicate the lower-level value from which all higher-level values will be automatically added in the create/edit mask. Or, if a higher-level value is selected, the options for the lower-level will adjust accordingly.
Note: Segment fields need to be used to span a radar.
6. Date Picker
The Date Picker Field allows users to select a date from a calendar. This field type is mostly used for entering time periods such as a start date, and to display the entered date on the Element detail page in the yyyy-mm-dd format.
The Date Picker widget is displayed as follows in the create/edit form of an Entity.
After the user clicks in the field, the calendar popup opens in a small overlay. You can add fields to an Entity by using the Field Configuration. You have multiple configuration options for the Date Picker field:
Configure a reminder notification
To help your users stay engaged, you can choose to add a Reminder Notification that is dependent on the configured date picker.
Set a default value for the date picker
The default value for the Date Picker is mostly used together with the Reminder Notification (see above). You can do so by:
- Checking the checkbox Set a default date. (1)
- Selecting a value for the Default Date (2). The default value will be set, depending on the creation date of the Element (example: Current Date → Date of Element creation). Note: This will only apply to Elements that are created after the definition of the Default Date.
7. Element Search Field
This field allows users to select and display elements on the right sidebar or the body on the element detail page. Via element search fields, you can bring parts of the relation tab onto a different location, and you can further specify the meaning of this content element.
In the example below, it is possible to add 'Huawei Technologies' under the entity "organization" in the relation tab and, at the same time, display it via an element search field with the specific context "competitor". It thus needs to be added to the respective text field of the element search field.
On the field configuration page, you have multiple configuration options. First, you can choose to automatically relate elements that were added in the element search field.
Second, you can define the element types that can be searched and then added via the element search fields.
Please note that the information about the added elements is only available on the element that holds the element search field and no bi-directional relation is created.
8. File
The File Field allows users to upload files. This field type is mainly used to add content like images and documents to an element. It is displayed in a table format on the elements detail page.
There are two field renderer widgets available for this field type:
- Single File - allows the user to upload one file at once
- Multiple File - allows the user to upload multiple files at once
9. Location Search Field
This is a search input field that suggests valid locations according to what the user types. It is displayed as the following widget:
10. Term Search Field
This field returns the data that contains an exact term in a provided field. This is the field type for tags.
11. User Search Field
The User Search Field is an input field that includes all existing users (user groups are not displayed). If a user is added to this field, the field will show the user profile with the username, profile picture, and the user role on the detail page of an element.
The User Search Field is represented as an input field in the create/edit form of the entity. Note: User Group Search Fields are also available to control workflow action button visibility.
How to add a User Search Field to an Entity?
You can add a user search field, to an entity via the Manage Field option in the Entity Manager of the Entity Configuration.
- Navigate to the Entity Configuration > Entity Manager. (1)
- Click on the Manage Field option. (2)
- Under Add new field, provide a label (4) for and the type of field (3) to be created. Choosing User Search Field as the Field Type will set the Field Renderer property to Autosuggestion Field. (5)
- You have the option to check the Is Hybrid? property for this field to allow adding of users, who are not in the system, with a pseudonym. (6)
You can check the Is Multiselect? property to allow the selection of multiple users for this field. (7)
- If multi-selectable, you must set a Maximum Number of user that can be assigned to this User Search Field. (8)
- If multi-selectable, you have the option to check the Allow Applications property. This will activate an additional button Apply now on the element detail page, enabling other users to request to be added to the respective user search field. (9)
- If multi-selectable, you can check the Enable Recommendation? property to enable automatic user recommendations, e.g., recommended experts, based on a match of a user's interests and content elements' tags for this field. (10)
- You have the option to check the Is creator default value? property for the field to set the creator of this field as the default value in the entity create form. (11)
- You can check the Share permission? property to allow sharing of permissions (e.g., view, edit, delete) for the respective element if a user is added to the User Search Field. (12)
- Provide a Tooltip further explaining the purpose of the User Search Field. (13)
- You have the option to set this field as mandatory. (14)
Additional note: Users that are mentioned in a user search field of a particular element will not automatically follow the respective element. Instead, the individual user will have to actively click on the follow action button.
When adding a user, please note that when you hit "enter" after adding the name (and do not select a user from the user search list appearing), the user is added as a hybrid user. Only when you select a user from the user list, the user already being part of your Innovation OS will be correctly selected.
How does the search work?
Searching via the User Search Field works in the following way (using Jane Innovation as the search term example):
- Searching for Jane Innovation will return all results that either have Jane as first name OR Innovation as the last name.
Using the search term in quotation marks “Jane Innovation” will result in an exact search, only returning results that include Jane AND Innovation. Thus, using quotation marks, the search via a User Search Field can be narrowed down more easily. Please note that the exact search is case-sensitive.
12. User Group Search Field
The User Group Search Field is an input field that allows the selection of preconfigured user groups, respectively contexts. If a user group, respectively a context is added to this field, the respective group or context will be listed within the field.
The User Group Search Field is represented as an input field in the create/edit form of the entity. Note: User Group Search Fields are also available for Workflow Enrichment triggers or to control workflow action button visibility.
How to add a User Group Search Field to an Entity?
You can add a user group search field to an entity via the Manage Field option in the Entity Manager of the Entity Configuration.
- Navigate to the Entity Configuration > Entity Manager. (1)
- Click on the Manage Field option. (2)
- Under Add new field, provide a label (4) for and the type of field (3) to be created. Choosing User Group Search Field as the Field Type will set the Field Renderer property to Autosuggestion Field. (5)
- You can check the Share permission? property to allow sharing of permissions (e.g., view, edit, delete) for the respective element which will automatically be shared with any user included in a selected group, respectively context assigned to the User Group Search Field. (6)
- You can pre-define the user groups that shall be listed as a selectable option within the User Group Search Field via the Searchable Groups multi-select dropdown. The user group(s) selected here will be the user group options that will actually be available for selection in the field, which allows you to control the options that shall actually be selectable via double-clicking into the field. (7)
- You can optionally also choose to allow the selection of context within the User Group Search Field by checking the Add Contexts checkbox option. (8)
- Having checked the Add Contexts option, a similar multi-select dropdown option Searchable Contexts will become available. Here, you can pre-define the contexts that shall be listed as selectable options within the User Group Search Field. The context(s) selected here will be the context options that will actually be available for selection in the field, which again allows controlling the options that shall actually be selectable via double-clicking into the field. (9)
- Provide a Tooltip further explaining the purpose of the User Group Search Field. (10)
- Provide a Help Text to be displayed in the field, further guiding the user on entering values for the User Group Search Field. (11)
- You have the option to set this field as mandatory. (12)
Additional note: Users that are part of any user group or context added in a User Group Search field of a particular element will not automatically follow the respective element. Instead, the individual user will have to actively click on the follow action button.
How does the search work?
As outlined above, only the user group options, respectively context options pre-configured via the Searchable Groups and Searchable Contexts fields are available for search, respectively selection. Note that by double-clicking into the User Group Search Field will list the respective pre-configured options.