Adding and configuring a new campaign

What is it?

ITONICS Campaigns support you to run multiple campaigns of different type, scope and workflow in parallel. This is particularly helpful if you have multiple departments involved who want to run their own idea campaigns, i.e., have individual stage-gate processes.

Learn in the following article more about

Please note: This feature needs to be activated by ITONICS. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further assistance.

How does it work?

(1) Creation and definition of the basic campaign information

To create a campaign, find the create button in the top navigation menu. A popup will open from which you can decide whether the campaign should be always open for idea submissions or whether the submission phase is bound to a specific timeframe (time-bound).
Please note that your Application Owner has defined who has access rights for creating campaigns.

You are also asked whether you want to define the campaign visibility, workflow, and submission form from scratch or whether you want to rely on a blueprint.

After hitting "next", you will be asked to fill in the general campaign information. You need to provide a campaign title, abstract, and start date. You can also add a banner image, tags, a description, an end date, name a campaign manager, or add custom fields/rename existing field names, text fields, or help texts via the entity configuration of the campaign entity.

Note: For a configured end date, a campaign ends at 11:59 PM of the time zone of the platforms hosting reagion, i.e. 11:59 PM CET for Frankfurt. For users in different time zones the start and end date values relative to the time zone difference are retained.

(2) Invite users and manage the specific campaign's accessibility

After filling in the general information, you will be asked in the visibility tab to define who can access the specific campaign that you are creating. You can choose from two different options to grant visibility.

  1. Choose to invite all users if you want to give all users view access to the campaign.

    Note: If a user has no permission to see the entity type (campaign entity), they will not see this specific campaign. If you check the
    Send notification to the invited users' checkbox, a warning message will appear to prevent you from mistakenly sending out notifications to a large number of users when creating a campaign element.
  2. Choose Others if you want to restrict the visibility of this element further. Now, no user can view the element except for the ones that are added via the search field below (5). You can add single users, user groups, roles, and contexts.

You can also define whether the list of idea submitters should be displayed or not. Everyone invited to the campaign will see a participant tab if the checkbox is activated.

(3) Define the campaign workflow and permissions

The workflow of every campaign can in theory differ. When using the campaign blueprints you don't have to worry about the workflow configuration since you are relying on a predefined process for frequent campaigns. However, if you have designed your campaign from scratch, you need to define the following.

Under the 'workflow configuration' tab, you are first asked to provide the different phases of your campaign. Afterward, you can define the specific actions per phase.

You can either use already existent phase names or create a new phase (name) by using the add phase button. If you 'add a phase', you will be asked to provide a name for this phase. After providing the title and adding the phase, it will be displayed in the phase selection menu. Select now the phases for your campaign by checking the respective box(es). You have to select at least two phases to start the campaign.

The phases will be later displayed on the campaign page as a pearl chain. 


Based on the role definition in your application, you will now find a permission scheme for each phase that you have activated. By using the drag-and-drop option, you can also adjust the order of the phases to reflect the right logical sequence.

The displayed permission options include permissions to create, edit, view, delete, or rate submissions. From the scheme, you can select what permissions should be granted to the respective user roles per phase. By checking the box on the left of each permission, you can grant the permission to all roles at once.

Note that for always-on campaigns, optionally the functionality to allow users to declined ideas can be enabled, activating a Declined phase in the Workflow Configuration page to configure permission controls. Please refer to this section in the article on how to manage an idea campaign to learn more.

(4) Define the rating criteria

For some of your phases (or all), you might want to use specific evaluation criteria. By clicking on "Configure Ratings" at the end of a scheme, you can define your rating criteria.

You can either select already existing rating criteria or create new rating criteria by clicking the button at the bottom left. If you create new rating criteria, you will be asked to provide a label, a tooltip (optional), and the rating range as well as the names of the values. Besides, you can set particular rating criteria as mandatory, which means an evaluator will be required to provide a value for those particular rating criteria.

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You can also configure individual permissions for each phase for which ratings are enabled.

Just type in a Username, Role or Group you want to grant access. If you leave the field empty only the bulk assigned evaluators from the selected phase will be able to rate. 


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If at least one rating criterion is chosen, the rating will be displayed as standard rating. If more than two criteria are selected, the spider rating will be displayed. This defines the form of how users are asked to rate and also how the different ratings are displayed in the rating analysis tab. Please note that for the spider rating, you need at least three rating criteria to be selected to span the spider.

Be aware that if multiple rating phases with at least three rating criteria are configured for a campaign, within the rating analysis tab of a submission a spider diagram will be shown per rating phase. Hereby, the spider diagram of the active phase will be listed first, with the other spider diagrams being listed in the order defined in the workflow configuration. Note that again it applies that no spider rating would be shown if less than three rating criteria are configured within a rating phase. For those, any rating values will be shown as standard rating in the rating analysis tab.

This means that also rating values provided in past phases may be assessed from the rating analysis tab.





(5) Define the submission form

The submission form comes with standard form fields like Title, Header Image, Abstract, Description, Tags, and Authors. By clicking on the arrow of the respective field, you can adjust the title, help text (if it is a text field), tooltip, and for the authors' field the provided permissions for users being mentioned in this submission field (read more below). Besides, you can define the field positions for the submission form by reordering the fields such as Description, Tags, Authors, or any custom field via drag and drop. Note that the position of the static fields Title, Header Image, Abstract and Evaluators is fixed.

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If you like to ask for more information, you can also define your own, additional fields, such as:

  • Single Choice (dropdown field)
  • Multiple Choice (dropdown field)
  • Textfield
  • Textarea
  • Rich Text Field
  • Date
  • User

Click on the Add Field button at the bottom right. You will see that a new placeholder has been added to the list, and you are now asked to further configure it.

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First, you need to select the field type on the right-hand side.

After the selection, you can then provide the other details, such as the field name, values (only applicable for dropdown fields), tooltips, and validation options.

Within the validation options, you can indicate whether a field is mandatory, in which phase it should be displayed, and who should be able to see the field in the create/edit submission form and later submission view form.

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As mentioned before, you can name multiple authors in the author field, and with that, you can grant more specific permissions to those authors (besides the create and edit permissions granted in the workflow definition). This is helpful if you want to enable an idea submitter to assemble a team of people to collaborate on ideas. The submitters can indicate other users to join as authors. Authors can get View and/or Edit permissions for the respective Idea.

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Note 1: By default, the Authors will not get any permissions for the idea. The Campaign Managers have to adjust the settings accordingly. 

Note 2: The default tooltip is not appropriate for all settings. Please make sure to adjust it according to your settings. However, the creator of the submission must be allowed to view and/or edit the element in the current workflow phase via the workflow configuration tab. Otherwise, the other authors will not get the indicated permissions. A (co-)author has never more permissions than the creator of the submission.

Note 3: Authors will not automatically have permission to view the campaign if they are added to a submission. This needs to be handled from the visibility tab of the campaign (and the user needs in general permission to view any campaign).
The author field only suggests users that are already invited to the campaign.

Note 4: All fields can be selected as mandatory except for title, abstract, and authors.

Last but not least before publishing it, you can also add relations to other content elements in your application.

(6) Assign users to manage a campaign

Assigning one or more users as campaign managers for specific campaigns allows users from within your organization to set up, host, and manage the campaigns. Distributing the work of managing campaigns enables shared responsibility that furthers transparency.

When creating a new campaign or editing an existing campaign, there is a user search field called Campaign Manager in the General Information Tab. You can assign one or more users from the system to this field. Make sure to hit the Save button at the bottom of the page

Campaign Manager - Create.png

On the detail page of the Campaign, all users with permission to edit the campaign see an action button Add more next to the Campaign Managers field in the sidebar. (1) Clicking on the button opens a popup window that shows all recommended campaign managers, based on the interests that have been added to their user profile (2), and a user search field to add Campaign Managers manually (3). Make sure to hit the Save button at the bottom of the popup window once you have made your changes. 

Campaign Manager - Detail Page.png

Campaign Managers have permission to view and edit their specific campaign regardless of their role. Users assigned to the Campaign Manager field do not necessarily need permission to "View all Campaigns" or "Edit all Campaigns" which can be given to the individual roles via Entity Configuration.

However, there is the option to configure extended Campaign Manager Permissions. Check the Inherit submission-level permissions to automatically assign the users added as Campaign Managers the following submission-level permissions:

  • View all submission elements of the campaign
  • Edit all submission elements of the campaign
  • And Access to the Rating Analysis tab of a submission element

This means that if this option is checked, the users added as Campaign Managers will have the respective permissions assigned for all campaign phases, regardless of whether they, i.e. have the permission assigned for an individual campaign phase in the Campaign Workflow Configuration.

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Note: the campaign manager field can not be deleted or deactivated via the Field Configuration in the Entity Configuration. But you can edit the Tooltip and the Help text.

Additionally, if enabled within the system, there is a notification option that, if subscribed in the notification settings, will notify a user added as a Campaign Manager of any newly created submission elements within the respective campaign.

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(7) Define a convert action for submissions

When running a campaign and moving submissions through the defined ideation process, at some point an idea might be readily enriched and has reached a sound level of information. Now, to easily proceed with the execution of the idea, you can make use of the campaign convert feature to easily convert a sound idea into an element of another entity type, such as an Innovation Project.

First, navigate to the entity configuration of the Campaign entity type, enable the Conversion module and Save.

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Now, to be able to configure the convert functionality on your campaign, you first need to have an existing campaign, mending the convert configuration won’t be available when creating a campaign. This is due to the fact that first fields need to be configured for the submission elements of a campaign, which can then be used within the convert configuration. Thus, after the campaign has been created, click on Edit campaign to open the edit form. Here, now the tab Conversion is shown.

Now, if you want to define a convert action for the submissions within your campaign, mark the checkbox Enable Conversion to start configuring the convert action.

Once checked, the additional convert configuration options will become available. Here, similarly to the regular convert entity trigger type within the workflow configuration, the following configuration options are available:

The Destination Entity is the element type to which you want to convert the Source Entity (note that a submission cannot be converted into another submission element). Also, select what happens with the original element (Source) after conversion.

  • Archive source entity
  • Keep both entities in the system
  • Delete source entity

Further, select several options that should be taken over to the Destination entity.

  • Take over relations
  • Take over references (file attachments)
  • Create relation to the source entity
  • Take over creator

Note that ratings of submission cannot be taken over to the Destination entity.

Once done with the configuration of the Overview tab, click the Save button to confirm your configuration selections. Note that the selection won’t be stored if you miss clicking the Save button. Once saved, a success validation message will be shown (1) and the Mappings tab (2) will become available for configuration.

Navigate to the Mappings tab to configure the field mapping between the submission entity and the Destination entity. Click on the Add more fields button to select from the available fields of the Source entity and map to the corresponding fields of the Destination entity (3). Note that the submission fields are available for mapping irrespective of any configured phase visibility. Once done, it is important to click Save Mapping to confirm and store your defined field mapping (4). Again, a validation success message will be displayed accordingly (5). At this point, you have successfully configured the conversion for the submission entity type into a Destination entity type of your liking. Note that you will have to click Save and Publish to save to overall edits and configuration of your Campaign.


To be able to both control which user roles are allowed to perform the convert action and in which campaign phase(s) the convert action shall be available, you have to configure the Convert Submission permission in the campaign’s Workflow Configuration. This permission will be available once the Convert feature is enabled within the respective phase.

Dependent on for which campaign phase a particular user role has the Convert submission permission assigned, a user with this role will see the button Convert to <destination entity type> on the submission detail page. Note that the convert action is generally available for each campaign phase, however, controlled by the assignment of the permission per campaign phase. Also, the convert action will be prevented if the user performing the action does not have the permission to create the destination entity type. Besides, the convert action will not be available for elements in Draft status.

(8) Using the Smart Creation feature to create a campaign

Please note: This feature needs to be activated by ITONICS. If you are interested in the usage of the Smart Action/Creation feature for your ITONICS Innovation OS system, please contact your Customer Success Manager for further assistance, esp. to align on the initial baseline setup, as API keys and configurations must be set in place first.

To facilitate the campaign creation process and leverage artificial intelligence (AI), you can make use of the Smart Creation feature to let the ITONICS Innovation OS create and fill out required information for you. If the module is enabled, on the modal to create a new campaign the Smart Creation option will become available.

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Similar to the regular creation process via the modal, simply decide whether to create a time-bound or always-open campaign, and whether you intend to set up necessary campaign information such as workflow phases, permissions, etc. from scratch, or if you want to utilize a predefined campaign blueprint. Once done, to leverage the Smart Creation feature, toggle the Autofill Element option at the bottom of the modal page before clicking Next to enter the creation process leveraging AI.

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Now, instead of having to come up with suitable general campaign information from your head and further provide a sound description, relevant tags, and a proper profile image from scratch, the ITONICS Innovation OS will automatically guide you through a creation wizard. 

  1. Firstly, regularly provide the Title and Abstract information, however, make sure to provide detailed information. This is relevant, since both Title and Abstract function as the main inputs during Smart Creation, providing context for the AI. Note that if you did select from blueprint in the prior modal, the system will automatically enter the Title and Abstract predefined in the selected blueprint, which you can however adjust if required before continuing the autofill process.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.04.33.png
  2. Once provided and confirmed via Continue, the user is automatically guided to the next step to Autofill the Description, using the earlier provided Title and Abstract as context information.
    • To provide an output tailored to your needs and following a certain structure or methodology, the system will ask for the selection of one of the predefined templates (e.g. the golden circle - Why, How, What).Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.05.26.png
    • Choosing a template will open another input field, asking for information about the target audience, again required to ensure the creation of a precise, relevant Description.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.06.56.png
    • Click Continue to automatically start generating a description. Once done, the system displays the Suggested Description, which you can either confirm via Continue or Regenerate.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.10.50.png
  3. Subsequently, you are forwarded to the Autofill Tags step. Again, Title and Abstract will be used as context, automatically generating relevant Tags. You can either Regenerate the Tags if not meeting your expectation, or Continue the selection if sufficient, forwarding you to the next step.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.11.38.png
  4. Afterward, the ITONICS Innovation OS forwards you to the Autofilling of the Profile Image.
    • Firstly, you are prompted to select a style template and provide a precise but detailed image description to Autogenerate a Profile image for the campaign.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.14.25.png
    • Click Continue to start the generation. Once finished, the system prompts you four image suggestions, which you can log in by clicking into a particular image to select it.Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.26.15.png
    • Click Next to proceed. If unhappy with the image suggestions, you can click Regenerate to receive new suggestions.

Important note: Dependent on the input language, with a high likelihood the Generative AI will return results in the same language. To increase the likelihood of matching input and output language, ITONICS recommends not mixing languages within Title and Abstract, since this could cause the outputs being generated in either input language. This also means that languages other than English (e.g. German, French) may be utilized as input, while accounting for the "uniform language rule".

At this point, you have autofilled relevant campaign information using the Smart Creation feature. However, since the creation of a campaign requires configuring further information such as campaign visibility, workflow phases, and permissions, the system forwards you to the campaign create form with all the prior autofilled information (Description, Tags, Header image) and the provided Title and Abstract already entered, allowing you to finalize the particular campaign setup.

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