What is it?
As an Application Owner, you want to know what is going on with your application. The ITONICS System statistics dashboard provides you with an overview of active users, created elements, user activities, and the Top content elements.
How does it work?
The System statistics dashboard can be accessed from the main navigation menu. Hover over the main menu item Dashboard and click on System statistics. If you have configured your own dashboards, they will also appear under this list.
In the System statistics dashboard, you will find:
Number of Active Users (and change over the last 30 days)
A user is considered an active user if they have logged into the system within the last 30 days. Specifically, this count includes users who logged in between the beginning of today (00:00:00) and the beginning of the day 30 days ago (00:00:00). For example, on 2024/11/26, the calculation considers users who logged in between 2024/10/28 00:00:00 and 2024/11/26 23:59:59. Note that a user who logs in today (2024/11/26) is included as active, as they have logged in within the last 30 days.- The percentage change is calculated the following (using an example): Active users from the current 30-day period (2024/10/28 - 2024/11/26) - Active users from the previous 30-day period (2024/09/28 - 2024/10/27) / Active users from the previous 30-day period (2024/09/28 - 2024/10/27) x 100
Number of Total Users (and change over the last 30 days)
The total user count includes all users in the system, whether blocked or unblocked, regardless of their last login date.
- The percentage change is calculated the following (using an example): Total users from the current 30-day period (ending 2024/11/26) - Total users from the previous 30-day period (ending 2024/10/27) / Total users from the previous 30-day period (ending 2024/10/27) x 100
- Note: if you want to specifically find out the count of blocked users, please filter for the user status in the user management list.
- Number of content Elements per entity. The date range can be adjusted individually. Depending on the selected date range, the difference between the elements will be displayed.
Number of Activities in the last 30 days (and its change in comparison to the period before)
- Comment
- Follow
- Share
- Relate
- Rate
- Like
- Visit
- Charts over time for Login Rate (incl. regular logins and API logins), Activity Rate and General Statistics
- Breakdown (%) of content per entity, users per role, and content per publication status, and
- List of Top elements
- Can be filtered by Element Type, Date Range, Comments, Visits, Likes
- Is able to display more than the Top10 elements via Load More button
More detailed information on user activities can be found when downloading an xls of your user base or content base.