Viewing other users' profiles

What is it?

Within the application, every user has her/his own account. The account information is presented on the user profile page. 


This user profile page helps other users to learn more about you, know how to get in contact, and what your interests are. Typically, it contains personal information about the user such as username, e-mail address, role, job title, and the user profile picture, as well as content elements that were created, followed, or shared with the user.

How to view other users' accounts?

To view others' accounts, you will find across the system the names of content creators and editors or users being tagged under specific roles (e.g., project team member, project manager, or project sponsor in the example below).

To visit their user profiles, click on a user's name and you will be directed to their user profile. 


As an Application Owner, you have further options to see user accounts in the Leaderboard or the User Overview List.


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