What is it?
ITONICS Enterprise offers an out-of-the-box approach when it comes to engaging users through the Innovation Platform. The system is able to measure users’ activity and based on that, reward them.
Learn more about:
- Assigning points for activities
- The Leaderboard: Overviewing users' activities
- Rewarding user activity with badges
- Rewarding users manually & allowing users to redeem rewards for collected points
How does it work?
Assigning points for activities
Once the gamification feature is activated, users can earn activity points for the different actions they perform on the platform. You can define the activity points from the Settings Wheel > Gamification Configuration > Activity Configuration.
First, for your entities defined, you can first set how many activity points can be won for creating a content element. This activity points score can be set for each entity individually.
Second, you can assign points for the other actions globally. This means that the activity scores set (for commenting, liking comments, replying to comments, assigning, submitting, rating, sharing (=providing permission), liking content, following, editing, or viewing) will be the same, i.e., independent of the entity where the action has been performed.
The users will recognize the earning of activity points in the system via a short notification in the lower left corner.
Note that adjusting the points after the initial configuration will re-calculate the points for each user retrospectively.
The Leaderboard: Overviewing of user activities
To keep track of all user activities, the ITONICS Leaderboard displays a list of all users, their activity points, and badges won. It sorts users in descending order based on their activity score. Based on the view permission granted, the Leaderboard can be accessed from the main navigation menu.
You can adjust the Leaderboard by the following operation options.
- Narrow down the leaderboard results by using different Filter options. (1)
- Use the Role filter to filter the leaderboard for users of a specific user role. (2)
- Use the Date Picker to filter the leaderboard results by a specific time period. (3)
- Use the Activity selection to filter the leaderboard results by any specific Activity type. (4)
- Choose whether to display the results in Grid View or List View via the View Selection. (5)
Rewarding user activity with badges
The Badge is a visual representation of what users have accomplished based on their activities. When you perform an activity several times or earn a needed amount of activity points, you will unlock a new badge. The popup will notify a user which badge he/she won, and the user can directly go to his profile to see all achievements.
To configure a badge, go to the Settings Wheel > Gamification Configuration > Badge Configuration. Click the Add Badge button and start filling out the given fields:
- Select an Activity Type. You can choose between activity types and activity points. (1)
- Enter a Badge Condition. By selecting an activity from the Activity Type dropdown menu, you can add a badge condition. A badge condition means the amount of activity a user performs to earn their badge. However, by selecting Activity Points from the Activity dropdown menu, the badge condition will be a number of total points. (2)
- Enter a Badge Name. (3)
- Enter Badge Info. It will be displayed by hovering over the badge on any users' profile. This information may be a short description that includes explaining how users can acquire this badge. (4)
- Configure Badge Design. Here you can decide which color you would like your badge to be: bronze, silver, or gold. You may also choose an icon for your badge. (5)
Once done, click Save.
🎓 Example: Select Comment as an activity type and set the badge condition as 10, naming the badge 'Brainstormer'. Users will get the badge 'Brainstormer' when they have left 10 comments.
Rewarding individual users & allowing users to redeem rewards for collected points
Reward configuration
Besides being rewarded badges, ITONICS offers a further configuration option to preconfigure rewards, respectively vouchers that can be redeemed by users for collected points: the Reward Configuration. The general idea is that users, who have collected enough points to be able to retrieve a specific voucher, can trigger a notification to a responsible, indicating that they intend to redeem points for either user engagement (see chapter above), or manually awarded points (outlined below). Note that this is a one time configuration on initial setup.
If enabled, the Reward configuration tab becomes available in Settings > Gamification Configuration. Note that this feature must be activated by ITONICS. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to do so.
In the configuration page, the user has the option to Add Vouchers (1), assess existing vouchers in the overview table (2), or edit, delete, or enable/disable existing vouchers (3).
Clicking on Add Voucher opens a new page where the user is prompted to provide a title for the voucher per system language (4), assign the point threshold that must be reached for a user to be able to redeem the voucher (5), and assign Recipients (users, user group, user role, context) to be notified once a user requests to redeem a voucher (6). Clicking on Save will automatically enable the voucher.
How can a user manually be rewarded points?
To allow a responsible, e.g. the Application Owner, to reward an individual user gamification points, e.g., for a sound idea submission, the Application Owner can navigate to the user profile of the individual user. Here, the Application Owner will see the Reward tab on the user’s profile, where the Reward History table is shown. Here, any Redeem or Reward action will be tracked for the particular user.
To reward a user points, the Application Owner can click Reward to open a popup modal. Here, an input field is shown to add the number of points to be Added to (or Subtracted from, if required) the user's gamification points (1), and provide a mandatory comment ideally explaining for what the user is granted points (2), e.g. a sound idea submission. Once Save is clicked, the points will be added to (subtracted from) the gamification points count of the user.
How can a user redeem a voucher?
To redeem a voucher for collected gamification points, a user needs to navigate to her/his own user profile, where also the Reward tab and Reward History table will be shown. However, in the case of the regular user, instead of the Reward button a Redeem button will be shown.
Clicking on Redeem will again open a popup modal, where the user can select from a dropdown menu from the vouchers available for selection / configured. Note that only vouchers for which the user has gathered the required threshold value of points will be available for selection.
Once the user successfully redeems a voucher, her/his gamification point count will be subtracted by the amount of points equivalent to the voucher. Further, the users configured to be the responsible Recipients for the voucher will be notified about the user's request to redeem the voucher. Furthermore, the user who triggered the redeem action will be notified about the fact that the redeem process has been triggered and the responsible will reach out to her/him regarding the next steps.
Note: the voucher granting will not be handled in ITONICS, it is in the responsibility of the system responsible to handle the reward action outside the system.