Installing and using the Inspirator App

What is it? 

The ITONICS Inspirator is a mobile app that allows you to enter interesting content into your ITONICS application on the go. You can use the app at exhibitions, conferences, meetings, or wherever you are to capture spontaneous ideas, new trends, or any other inspiring observation.

The app is an entirely complementary add-on to the ITONICS Innovation OS Enterprise application and can be customized according to your current system's style.

How does it work?

If available for your ITONICS Innovation OS system, you can download the Inspirator app from the available stores.

  1. First, download and install the latest ITONICS Inspirator app from Google's Play Store for Android (compatible with Android version 10.0 or higher) or Apple's App Store for your iOS device (compatible with iOS 13 or higher).
  2. After installation, navigate to the app and click to open.
  3. Firstly, you will be asked to provide the domain URL of the underlying ITONICS system, i.e. (1)
    1. If you are unsure about the name, check the email you have received previously with the login data.
  4. Subsequently, provide username and password also used in the corresponding ITONICS system and click Login (make sure you use the correct login credentials if you are not able to log in). (2)
    1. Normal login: your system username and password (2)
    2. Federated login: own login data, most likely provided to you by your IT Department (e.g. your operating system login credentials) (3)
    3. In case you need to change the system for which you want to access the Inspirator app, click switch domain (4) to go back one step to (1).

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Filtering and searching the Feed

After your successful login, you will land in the Feed, showing the most recent content that has been added to your application (5).

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From here, you can scroll through existing content and explore specific elements. Click into the global Search bar to search for particular content (6). Clicking on the Filter tab (7), you are redirected to the General filter section (8). Similarly as in the underlying ITONICS system, you can filter for general filters, such as the Type filter to narrow down the elements for specific entity types only, or navigate to the entity type-specific filter sections (9) to apply filters only for a particular entity. Click on the Clear all Filters button to remove the filter selection again (10). Once the filter selection is done, you can navigate back to the Feed page via the bottom right tab (11).

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Creating an element

To create an element, click on the + icon in the top right (12). This will open a popup modal (13), allowing you to select and create an element for any of the entity types configured for the Inspirator app (and tied to your system access permissions, i.e. create trend permission). After having selected an entity type, you are redirected to the create form. At the top, the configured tabs are shown, per default you are navigated to the Details tab (14). Similarly to the element creation in the ITONICS system, you are required to at least enter values for configured mandatory fields, i.e. Title, Abstract. If you want to relate the element to an existing element, navigate to the Relation tab (16). Once finished, you can toggle the Draft option to create the element as a Draft, or not to publish it right away (15). To confirm the creation of the element, click Done, Cancel to abort (17).

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Exploring the element detail page and editing

From the Feed (5), click on an element card to open its detail page. Here, you can investigate the content of the particular element under the Details tab (18), functioning similar to the in-system details page. To navigate to the Relations of an element, click on the Relations tab (19). Note that if any other tab is configured, it would be shown besides the existing tabs for permitted users. Navigate to the Comments tab (20) to view, edit, or reply to existing comments (21), or add new ones (22). 

If you want to delete an element, click on the trashcan icon (24) in the top right corner. To edit an existing element, click on the pen icon in the top right corner, which will open the edit form (23). On the edit form, if permitted you can edit existing content or enrich with new information (25). Click Done to confirm the edit action (26).

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Adjusting settings

From the Feed page, click the menu icon in the top left corner (27) to open a side panel granting access to several settings options. Here, you are shown the current user account logged in (28), have the option to report illegal content (29) in the Inspirator app (to adhere with the EU Digital Services Act regulation), or logout of the app (30).

Clicking on Settings will open a sub-page (31), listing several settings options.

  • Image settings: control quality of image upload (32)
  • Video settings: control quality of video upload (33)
  • Language settings: change the default language setting (34)

Note: The Inspirator app requires the following permissions to enable the app functionalities: a.o. camera access to take pictures and videos within the app, location (access to precise or approximate location is required only when the app is in the foreground), microphone (i.e. to record audio with videos), and storage access.

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