ITONICS Enterprise 3.12.0 - Optimistic Orange


This release focuses on

  • Improving the way filters work in the ITONICS system.
  • Improving the design of the campaign matrix.
  • Introducing the import of decimal rating values.

Innovate better. Faster. Together.

To deep-dive into the details of the release, have a look at the release notes.

Filter logic improvements

We have extended the capabilities of filters on the Explorer, Roadmap, Network Graph, and Tag Cloud. It is now possible to apply general filters and combine them with entity type specific filters across multiple entities. This enables the user to filter on a more detailed level across different entity types.


Campaign Matrix UI/UX improvements

We have improved the design of the campaign matrix to provide users with a more detailed and informative view. Among others, this includes improvements to how elements are positioned and plotted on the campaign matrix, improved legend design and functionality, improved filters, improved reporting capabilities, and layout changes

Import of decimal rating values

We have introduced the option to import decimal rating values via the element and rating import. Now, users can import more granular ratings in the form of decimal values in between ranges, which are mapped to the respective rating values within the existing rating criteria. An example would be the mapping of the decimal value 0.7 to the value “medium” of a specific rating criteria “Business Relevance”. 

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