What is it?
The ITONICS Board is the module for displaying a content landscape which follows a certain process flow. It can, for instance, help you understand in what stage and status your project portofolio is. It is organized by rows and columns whereas each can represent a specific meaning. Furthermore, the color displayed on the card of a content element can represent a third dimension. If you use financial KPIs on your content elements, they can be aggregrated here to reflect the overall status of your innovation portfolio.
This way, you can identify blind spots, critical projects, investment peaks and strategic options. The board can be used to reflect an idea portfolio, start-up (collaboration) portfolio, or project portfolio.
How does it work?
The board can be accessed from the main navigation menu. If your Application Owner has designed different boards, they will appear in a sub-menu when you hover over the name Board in the menu.
The content elements visible on the board are published content and own drafts (i.e., no archived or draft elements created by other users are shown) and of one specific content category. To display only the content you liked, followed, shared or created you can use the filter settings under filter options and then My Filter.
Please note: For Application Owners, all drafts of any user are displayed in the visualization.
The following example will show the functionalities, based on an Element Type called "Innovation Project". If you open up the Project Board, you can see all running Innovation Projects (1), structured in Columns (2) and Swim lanes (3).
In our example, the Columns represent the Project Phase and the Swim lanes represent the Responsible Business Unit for this project. You can always change the represented categorization via the Legend (4) on the left. Here you can also change the color categorization displayed on the left of every card as well as the aggregations displayed on the right and the bottom of the Board.
Besides, you have the option to define up to three Dynamic Card Labels (5) to be displayed on the element cards to provide additional information for each Innovation Project (the default field for each can be set in the Kanban Board configuration, while the fields can always be adjusted dynamically). In this example, the Health Status, Project Status, and Degree of Innovation of each project is displayed. Note that if no value is provided for a dynamic label for a respective element, then no value will be shown on the element card. Further, if the respective user does not have the visibility to see a field within a confidential tab, then this value will also not be visible on the element card.
If you click a card inside the Board, a preview of that Element opens on the right. Here you can see an overview of the basic information such as the Title, Abstract and the Relations of that Element. You can also find some quick actions to open, follow, rate, edit or delete the Element if you have the permissions to do so.
By clicking and dragging the Element (if no specific workflow has been designed), you can also change the categorization or phase that the project is in.
On the upper right side of your Board, you can find two options to configure the view:
- Show/hide legend (5), which allows you to show or hide the legend on the left-hand side.
- Show/hide empty rows/columns (6), which allows you to show/hide empty rows/columns if there are rows/columns that are empty. For example, after applying certain filters.
- Expand to full screen (7), which allows expanding the board view to a full screen view. Here, up to six columns may be shown horizontally.