User Groups

What is it?

A User Group is a set of people that share interests, goals, or responsibilities in the ITONICS system. By defining User Groups, you can easily collaborate with your colleagues by sharing an element or inviting them to an innovation project.

Furthermore, this will provide you with more flexibility to provide permission.

How does it work?

Permission control

The permissions can be set from Settings Wheel > Entity Configuration > global Permission Configuration, under the Core Module Permissions. Here, you will find the User Groups subsection, where you can define which user role(s) are allowed to view the user group manage page in the first place, which users are allowed to fully administer all user groups, including create, edit, delete and duplicate/copy, or you may break down the permission assignments to only allow management of own user groups, meaning groups that have been created by a user herself/himself (requiring the create permission for user groups).

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Manage User Groups page

You can define and manage User Groups by navigating to the Settings Wheel > User Management > User Groups.

You can perform the following actions for existing groups on the overview page:

  • Duplicate User Group (1)
  • Edit User Group (2)
  • Delete User Group (3)


You can add a new User Group by clicking on the +Add User Group button. Choose a title (4), search and add members (5), and save the User Group (6).

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User Group Manager

Besides the above-mentioned permission control, when creating a new or editing an existing user group, one or multiple users can be defined as User Group Manager (7). Any user assigned will be granted view access to the Manage User Groups page (via Settings > User Management > User Groups), but only see the groups for which s/he has access. A User Group Manager can add and remove members to the particular user group, edit information of the group, and add other users as User Group Managers. Furthermore, if subscribed users are informed about assignment or removal as manager for a particular user group.

Note: The User Group Manager functionality is a great option to decentralize and granular user group management in case that the assignment of permissions for user group management for an entire user role via the Permission Configuration is too inflexible.

Bulk generate user groups

Via the xls User Import interface, you have the option to bulk assign and create User Groups. If you want to create new User Groups, you can mention these groups in the template and assign the respective users to those groups. Use a comma to separate different groups, and the User Group will be created during the import. In this case, check the box to Create non-existing user groups.

Note: To be able to import users to an existing user group, or create non-existing user groups, a user requires the permission to administer user groups and to perform the user import.



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