Connect ITONICS to Trendone

What is it?

ITONICS allows you to connect to Trendone to pull different trend data into your application. The following steps describe how to set up the connection and pull the data from the Trendone API into your ITONICS instance. 

How does it work?

Please note: ITONICS does not provide a basic Trendone license, but the integration interface to connect to the Trendone API using your own license key. This feature needs to be activated by ITONICS. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further assistance, especially in setting up the cron process for creating Trendone elements in ITONICS.

Setting up the Trendone-ITONICS connection

The first step is to enable the Trendone module for a specific entity you want to work with, likely a Trend entity type. Go to Settings > Entity Configuration > Entity Configuration and open the entity by clicking the edit (pen) icon. 

Look for the Trendone card under the Modules/Features section and check the box on the left corner of the module card. (Please contact your Customer Success Manager if the card is not visible).

On the module card, select the source entity from Trendone, which are either microtrends, macrotrends, or megatrends. Note that once the selection is done for a particular source entity, this selection cannot be reverted again, unless the Trendone module is disabled and re-enabled again completely for an entity type.

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Once the checkbox is marked, the card should change the layout color from light grey to the system color. Do not forget to press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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After enabling the module, you can configure it according to your preferences. To access the Trendone Configuration, click on the respective entity (e.g. Trend) and go to Manage Trendone Integration.

The API Key was already activated by default. That is why you only have to conduct the field mapping to determine which ITONICS field has to be enriched with which Trendone information. Here is how you use the Field Mapping:

ITONICS recommends the following mapping for a correct integration:

  1. Choose the respective ITONICS Field (1).
  2. Choose the Trendone Field to enrich the ITONICS Field (2).
  3. Remove the field mapping (3).
  4. Add more fields to the mapping (4).

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Note that the following fields must be mapped for the integration to work: 

  1. Entity type title field and Trendone title field
  2. Entity abstract field and Trendone description field

Within the Update Configuration, it is possible to define a Webhook key that will be used when sending a request between your ITONICS instance and corresponding Trendone API application.

Please note: The webhook generation and update should be done conjointly with ITONICS experts to ensure proper configuration and functioning. When a cron (recurring job) is configured, the respective request to Trendone needs to be created, which can not be done by platform administrators. Hereby, it is also possible to define a date threshold, to restrict the amount of data to be fetched from the Trendone API. Please contact your respective Customer Success Manager.

Once the mapping is configured, and the cron process to create the Trendone elements in the ITONICS system is set up, all information received from the Trendone API are being pushed to the application and created as an element. Hereby, the system will validate the ID to determine whether a corresponding Trendone element has already been created within an ITONICS system. Each time the setup cron is run, the application validates whether any new element data from Trendone does not yet have a corresponding, existing ITONICS element. However, the Trendone integration does not yet support an update use case for already existing elements.

Note that if a particular Trendone element is deleted in the system, it will again be pushed into the application once the next cron process to create elements is run. To prevent this from happening, instead archive any respective Trendone element. However, as outlined above, there is also the option to limit the scope of elements being pushed from the Trendone API into ITONICS based on a configured date threshold, i.e. to not fetch any Trendone data older than 2023.

Be aware that if there are any mandatory ITONICS fields mapped to a corresponding Trendone field, for which no value is provided during the creation process of Trendone element in the ITONICS system, then the respective element is created in Draft status.

Refer to the Trendone Log page to track if and when a cron job has run between the Trendone API and the ITONICS system. You can find the log page by navigating to Settings > Logs > Trendone. The Trendone Logs interface will show a list of all run cron jobs.


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