Configure the External Gateway email templates

What is it?

To ensure the effective processing of submissions coming in from your ecosystem, it is important to keep the right individuals in the loop. That is the meaning of sending a confirmation mail to the submitter and a notification email to the right internal stakeholders.

Via the email template configuration, you can create your own messaging.

How does it work?

If you have configured the external gateway, you will be asked to select whether to send notifications and, if so, which template should be used for sending them. 

Navigate to the Settings Wheel (in the upper right corner) > Entity Configuration > Entity Configuration. Select from here the entity for which you want to configure the external gateway or, said differently, to what entity incoming submissions should be assigned.

Via the tab manage external gateway, you will be able to create a new gateway or modify an existing gateway. Click on the "add"-button to create a new gateway or the pen icon to modify an existing gateway.

Under the General Settings tab in an external gateway, you will find the notification options. Here, you can disable/enable the notifications. In the dropdown menu next to the notification setting, you will be asked to select the email template that should be sent. You can use the ITONICS default template or create your own messages.

For creating your own template/s, go to the Settings Wheel > System Administration > Email templates. of the category External Gateway. Click the Add email template-button from the top and fill in all the required fields. Please make sure to assign the email template to the right category, i.e., external gateway.


Once you have created your custom template/s, go back to the settings page of your External Gateway and select the corresponding email template in the dropdown menu next to the notification setting, e.g., send confirmation email or notify gateway responsible. Note that if the email template selected for a gateway is deactivated from Settings > System Administration > Email Templates, then the system will automatically revert to another template from the External Gateway category, if available.





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