How to hard refresh your browser and clear your cache?

Why do I need to hard refresh my browser cache?

Although storing pages in the browser's cache makes loading pages/software faster, it can mean that changes made to the software aren't visible. In this situation, you would hard refresh your browser to clear the cache.

How to hard refresh browser and clear cache if you're using Chrome.

Chrome and Windows:

Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.

Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5.

Chrome and Mac:

Hold down Shift and click the Reload button.

Or Hold down Command, Shift and click the ‘R’ key.

How to hard refresh browser and clear cache if you're using Firefox.

Firefox and Windows:

Hold down Ctrl, Shift and the ‘R’ key.

Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5.

Firefox and Mac:

Hold down Command, Shift and the ‘R’ key.

Or Hold down Shift and press the reload button.

How to hard refresh browser and clear cache if you're using Safari.

Safari and Mac:

Hold down the option and command key then press the ‘E’ key.

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