Release Notes 3.4.2 - Badass Banana

Important Note

Some of the features mentioned below may need to be activated by ITONICS. For more Information, please contact your Account- or Customer Success Manager.


Radar segment description

You can now describe your segments in more detail and visualize that on the radar when you hover over the segment label


Notification center

Quite a long list of standard notifications have been added to the system. There are more notifications to come in the next releases.


Redesign of element side bar on the radar

The side bar for displaying elements on the radar has been re-designed and shows now more information including the element’s profile picture and abstract.


Automatically set filters after redirect

You can now click on any selected value on the detail page to be redirected to the Explorer with the respective filter automatically set.


Relate action on detail page

You can now relate your element to different other elements from the detail page. Previously this was only possible from the Explorer, Radar and Tag Cloud or activating the edit mode.


PDF bulk export

You can now export all the elements you select in the Explorer with one click as PDF. You can also export a single element as PDF on the element’s detail page.


Searchable dropdown fields

You can now search dropdowns in case they offer a long list of options to choose from. This is not only possible while create and edit but also in the filter section.


RTE simplification

The Rich Text Editor (RTE) has been made a little simpler by removing unnecessary features.


Hybrid user search field

You can now not only search for system users for any given user search field but can also add users that don’t  have an account yet.


Secondary Menu

The secondary menu is back and fixed to the top menu.


Ideation: Manage visibility of submission fields per workflow phase

You can now configure the visibility of any defined field for submission for every single workflow phase within your ideation campaign setup.Ideation-_Manage_visibility_of_submission_fields_per_workflow_phase.png

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